Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Did you notice the new Tata Sky Plus ad?

I just saw it today, and couldn’t help writing about it. It’s basically another ad in the Aamir-Gul series. I liked it because it has a very interesting social dimension to it. As the other ads in the Aamir-Gul series, this one’s too humorous, however it does put across an interesting social message, in a tongue-and cheek, yet authentic fashion. The social message is that of family relationships.

The context is that of a friend that Aamir is talking to, over snacks at their (Aamir- house, about why he should not bother about “Women’s singles tennis match” on TV, and let his wife watch her favourite daily soap instead. Aamir is perfect in playing a social evangelist helping his friend understand the importance of compromises that wives make in their day-to-day living to harmoniously align themselves in their spouse’s life, and hence he (Aamir’s friend) shouldn’t really bother about missing a tennis match on TV!

While Aamir is at his convincing best, Gul is shown watching her daily soap on TV, apparently enjoying Aamir’s conversation more than the show. Because she knows Aamir’s just being too ideal, as he’s already recording the Women’s singles Tennis match on their Tata Sky while Gul watches her daily soap. He’s going to enjoy his match later, once Gul’s done with her TV.
Humorously though, but the ad is effective at 2 levels, one, in brining out the importance of the “Record” feature of Tata Sky Plus and two, in bringing out the “effectiveness” of Tata Sky Plus in positively contributing to a Husband-Wife relationship (atleast by reducing their quarrels over the TV!)

Checkout the ad, by following the link below


1 comment:

Vrule said...

Tata sky has no doubt been incredibly creative with their ads.. the beauty lies in the fact that the message comes across so naturally and the fact tht each ad has some comic angle to it making it entertaining as well..