Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am looking forward to the IPL finals – Thanks to Tata Sky!

I just can’t get cricket out of me these days. That’s the reason for these back to back posts on cricket!

This time there’s a different perspective though. Here I would like to elaborate on a classic case of change in consumer behaviour, fuelled by Tata Sky!

I used to be an ardent Mumbai Indians (MI) fan, used to watch only those IPL matches which MI played until last year. This year, with Tata Sky Plus around, I ended up seeing almost all the matches that I realistically could. And I am not talking about the “record feature” here. I mean the record feature is ofcourse very powerful. But I am talking about here an even fundamental proposition of Tata Sky, and that’s their DVD quality picture and sound. I mean it just grows on you and you really feel yourself just enjoying almost anything you watch on TV. Cricket with all its charm of-course augurs that much better with it. What this has led to is a phenomenal change in my Cricket consumption behaviour. IPL, when MI doesn’t play used to be as good as any other content option on TV to me. I mean it wouldn’t make me plan my day around it. I’ll watch it if there’s isn’t anything great to do.

But with Tata Sky, I have observed a dramatic shift in my cricket consumption. Every T20 match seems as appealing to me as an MI match. I mean the “Cricket experience” on TS is just so powerful that you actually become neutral to who’s playing and who’s winning. You just tend to appreciate the game and more precisely the experience on Tata Sky. I mean with MI out of this years IPL, I still find myself gravitating towards t20 on Tata sky and am super anxious about the final, independent of whoever makes it to it, and whoever wins it!

I am sure there would be many more beings with Tata Sky like me whose TV behaviour would have changed and they would be getting more out of their TV than what they earlier could.
The proof of the pudding is in eating it, try experiencing cricket on TS and you’ll resonate with what I am saying here.

Go for it, get a TS connection now and you can still catch up with the IPL T20 Finals on the 24th!

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